Visiting students with a FIUTS host
Meet a FIUTS Host!
Learn more about Seattle and the U.S. through cultural exchanges!
FIUTS believes that our world is a better place when people have the chance to share their experiences and build friendships that extend beyond politics and stereotypes. The FIUTS welcome and friendship programs offer short-term opportunities for international visitors and local community members to get to know one another and participate in cross-cultural exchanges. Use the links below to learn more about these programs.
“I arrived in the U.S. and I don’t really know anyone, I don’t know the city or the culture, and I am not sure where to get connected…”
No need to worry! You can meet a FIUTS host, a local volunteer who is passionate about making global connections and helping out international students through our different cultural-exchange programs. FIUTS hosts offer a smiling and welcoming face when you meet them, guide you through Seattle living, share their cultural traditions, and can potentially help you find resources you may be searching for!
How to get involved as a student:
You can participate in our cultural-exchange programs and be connected with local hosts through:
Welcome WEek Homestay
The FIUTS Welcome Week Homestay Program is a cross-cultural experience between an international student and an American host. As part of this program, new international students and scholars who have just arrived in Seattle spend 7-10 days in the home of a volunteer host. Homestay is available to students for all quarters, depending upon suitable availability of a host for you. That is, the homestay option is open to all new incoming international students.
Applications for Winter 2025 are now closed! You may apply for a Spring 2025 homestay during your initial arrival for spring quarter studies. Applications will open on February 1, 2025 for a homestay running for 7-10 days, approximately from March 24-30, 2025.
The Welcome Week Homestay fee is as follows:
Individual : $200
Couple: $250 (committed couple seeking a homestay together in one room)
Family: $275 (multiple spaces permitting)
*Please note that FIUTS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and FIUTS fee collection is to cover our administrative costs for arranging a homestay for you. Local families are not paid to host! All Homestay Hosts are FIUTS vetted volunteers.
Thanksgiving Dinner
FIUTS students are invited to sign up to be matched with a host for a Thanksgiving celebration. Thanksgiving is holiday celebrated in the U.S. that is always on the fourth Thursday of November. A traditional celebration of this holiday is usually done through a dinner with friends and family members. Hosts are excited to invite you to their own celebrations at their home to partake in their Thanksgiving traditions. (Open to ALL international students) - FREE OF CHARGE
Community Hosted Dinners (Quarterly)
Once a quarter, FIUTS will organize Community Hosted Dinners to connect hosts and international students. Students are matched with hosts and then meet with them on the according day for a dinner (sometimes a lunch) at the host’s home, or restaurant. This is a great way to connect and network with local Seattle-lites and meet other international students! (Open to ALL international students) - FREE OF CHARGE
Next Community Hosted Dinner: Coming soon!
Applications are currently closed and will re-open soon. Read about our most recent Community Hosted Dinner here!