FIUTS Alumni
No matter where you go in the world, FIUTS wants to to stay in touch! After all, a big part of the FIUTS mission is to create global connections and foster international friendship - our alumni are a vital part of taking that message overseas, and the FIUTS alumni community stretches across the globe connecting students long after they have left the UW. If you're here because you want to stay connected (or even reconnect) with FIUTS, then you're in the right place!
How you can support FIUTS:
Make a gift to FIUTS: Show your support to a new generation of students!
Become a Host or Community Volunteer: If you live in the Seattle area, you can offer welcome and a homestay experience from someone who knows what it is like in the city, or provide other opportunities for students to get engaged, such as giving workplace tours or serving on the FIUTS Board of Trustees.
Attend FIUTS events: If you live in the Seattle area or are just visiting for a short while, you are always welcome to join us at our on-campus events such as Wednesday Lunch or CulturalFest.
Be a part of the FIUTS 75th Anniversary: Join us in Seattle, November 1st - 6th, 2023 to celebrate 75 years of connection, community and friendship. Save the date!
Ways you can stay connected with FIUTS:
Like us on Facebook: Become a fan of the FIUTS page and join your regional FIUTS Alumni Group.
Send us a note! We love getting updates from FIUTS Alumni, and yours may be featured in a future newsletter or on the FIUTS website.
Update your contact information: Please let us know if you’ve moved or have a new email address or phone number.
Join the UWAA: The University of Washington Alumni Association (UWAA) is a great way to stay connected to both the UW and FIUTS. The University of Washington and FIUTS partner to support a global alumni network. You can find information on what’s available in your area by checking out their alumni pages.
A large group of students at gasworks park posing in-front of the Space Needle, Lake Union, and the Seattle skyline.