FIUTS Thanksgiving 2017
Each November, FIUTS connects Seattle-area community members with University of Washington international students to offer students an opportunity to experience the tradition of Thanksgiving. This year, over 80 students were matched with local hosts, and even more hosts invited their past homestay students to join them for dinner.
Below are photos submitted by this year's hosts of friends gathered around the Thanksgiving table to enjoy a meal and share a cross-cultural experience!
Suzanne and Bill Anderson with FIUTS Thanksgiving students Wendan, Camille, and other guestsSuz
Longtime FIUTS hosts Jeannette Franks, Dick Baker, students and friends
The Swarthout family with Alex K., Sebastian, Tobias, and Alex M.
Donna and John Werner's Thanksgiving group getting ready for a delicious meal
The Leander family with guests Yifan and Jiayi
We are so thankful to all of our hosts for welcoming students to their homes, and to all of the students for sharing their cultures and taking this opportunity to learn about an American holiday.
For more information on getting involved in FIUTS community programs by hosting a student, click here.