Facilitator Corner: Lucy Lui
FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Lucy Liu.
Name: Lucy Liu
Country: China
Major: Bioengineering
Class: Junior
FIUTS Facilitator Since: Fall 2019
My name is Lucy Liu. I am an international student from Beijing, China. I am currently a junior studying bioengineering.
What does it mean to be a FIUTS Facilitator?
Being a facilitator is a great way to get more involved with the FIUTS community. It helps me to stay more connected with the diverse student body. It is also a perfect leadership experience that trains me to be more inclusive, creative, and responsible, to not only inspire more people with my actions, but also getting inspired by different participants from different events.
Favorite FIUTS acecdote as a Facilitator
Lucy’s Insider Tour video for FIUTS Welcome Weeks 2020
My favorite memory as a FIUTS facilitator was filming the insider tour video for the incoming Huskies last summer. Due to the pandemic restrictions, the orientation committee had to cancel all the in-person tours and film tour videos instead. It was such a challenging but fun experience for me to stand in front of the camera as a tour guide and introduce my favorite spots on the Ave to new students. I was also very happy that I got to help new in-coming international students in any ways I can.
How have you grown as a leader through being a Facilitator?
Facilitating at the Embark sessions helped me improve my public speaking skills a lot. I used to be shy and rather unwilling to speak up in breakout rooms. After a whole month of Embark facilitating, I have grown to successfully lead all kinds of ice-breaking activities as well as discussions in break-out groups. More importantly, I became more open to all cultures, and developed a deeper understanding of diversity. Through chatting with new Huskies from all backgrounds, I got to know more people.
tips/comments for other peer facilitators
The main tip I have for the peer facilitators would be to not be afraid to speak up and reach out! Leadership is not that complicated! It could be a smile you gave for the participants, an icebreaker activity you prepared for a new group, even a joke you made to bring people closer. Just go ahead and enjoy every of your FIUTS events and take the lead to make the events better!