Celebrating Summer SUSI 2022

From June to July of 2022, FIUTS hosted 20 high-achieving students through the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) on Education and the Future of Work. Students were selected from the countries of India, Indonesia, Tunisia, Brazil, and Nigeria.
Upon arrival in Seattle, SUSIs were paired with ambassadors and became acquainted with the Seattle community through service projects and site visits. They began their journey in Seattle by exploring the campus of the University of Washington and participated in site visits with OneWorld Now and Real Change. The SUSIs also had the amazing chance to meet local host families for day hosting. With only a day’s worth of activities, they made connections for a lifetime with their hosts from Seattle. The SUSIs also completed community service projects with food banks around Seattle ( Ballard Food Bank, North Helpline Food Bank, and White Center Food Bank), Tilth Alliance, Boys and Girls Club, and Food Lifeline,
During this time the students also spoke about their passions in “This I Believe” speeches, engaged in networking events, and visited Perry Technical Institue, local farms, and fisheries, the College Success Foundation, and more throughout Yakima and Central Washington. The SUSIs had a busy schedule that involved getting to know the Seattle community through roundtable discussions and presenting their projects.
In their final week in Seattle, the SUSIs were tasked with developing plans for community projects which they will implement once they return to their home communities. On the evening of July 19, host families and ambassadors joined the FIUTS staff to wish the SUSI students a safe farewell at a final dinner celebration and see their poster presentations.
To learn more about the projects designed by 2022 SUSI on Education and Future of Work participants, click through the slideshow above. Biographies about the participants are available here.
The Study of the U.S. Institute is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, with funding provided by the U.S. Government, administered by Meridian International Center and FIUTS.