16 Days to FIUTS CulturalFest 2024!
“At CulturalFest, you can FEEL many cultures and their intricacies.”
Nirmal Kumar Marimuthu, Booth Captain of India
FIUTS CulturalFest is a non-judgmental place where everyone can find a space to promote special dimensions of their cultures.
Nirmal Kumar Marimuthu, who comes from an underrepresented region of India, has long struggled to better communicate his beautiful culture to others. This year, he is hosting a booth at CulturalFest Expo to showcase what has been a valuable asset to him—the music of Southern India.
Hello! My name is Nirmal Kumar Marimuthu. I am a Physics and Astronomy student at the University of Washington. I am also the culture head of UW Kuthu Club. I love films and my culture!
As a South Indian (Tamil), I am usually never given the recognition that other parts of the country are usually given. I have always wanted to express my culture to everyone else and have been waiting for an opportunity to do so. When I learned about Cultural Fest, I was extremely excited that I finally found the place to do exactly that.
I am a Booth Captain since it gives me the power to discuss what I want to discuss and give people accurate information. I also gain leadership skills through this experience which will help me in my future goals. I am a bit nervous since this is my first year at FIUTS but at the same time excited.
One of the things we're going to be showcasing is the music of the South. I believe that music is one of the most important aspects of a culture because not only is it a friendly introduction to a culture, but it also helps to understand the emotions that are cherished by that culture. Music is also important to me because it is easier for me to stay connected to my own culture when I am far away from it.
I think that events like CulturalFest help to highlight the various nuances of the world's cultures and provide a platform for people to easily participate and gain information. One of the biggest hurdles when it comes to learning about other cultures is that most of the ways to get information are usually boring, but at CulturalFest, you can FEEL many cultures and their intricacies.
Explore the intricacies of Indian culture at FIUTS CulturalFest!
More than 20 other cultures will be showcased at the event by authentic spokespersons.
Come and FEEL their cultures for yourself!