FIUTS Annual Campaign 2020: Engaging Students
It’s no surprise that life at FIUTS has completely changed since March. Programs have been cancelled, our lively and snack-filled physical office is closed, and the future is filled with uncertainty.
One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is that we believe in the power of community and connections, no matter what. And our team has no shortage of experience when it comes to tackling big challenges with creativity, flexibility, and persistence.
So during this year’s Annual Campaign, staff from each program area are sharing how FIUTS’ ongoing work is keeping us motivated and inspired. We hope you enjoy this glimpse behind the scenes, and invite you to support us in building a more connected, understanding, and peaceful world!
Meet the Student Programs Team!
Alex, Vy, Wintana, and Kailey
Alex on Zoom, where he is always in space. We actually forget what he looks like when he’s not in space.
“Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, our staff and student leaders continue innovating novel ways to stay engaged. Our Student Board in particular has risen to the occasion and established a new online community to help connect all students during these isolating times. They have helped us implement programs such as Launch - which welcomes students who will not be attending in-person classes immediately - and host our first ever virtual Embark sessions. Their dedication and positivity continue to be a source of inspiration for everyone at FIUTS.”
-Alex Radi, Manager of Student Programs
The mug says it all.
“The challenges presented this year led us to developing new programs such as the Virtual Language Exchange, a program that provides opportunities for over 300 participants (so far!) to practice new languages and make friends from around the world. Since March, we have adapted all activities to be online, making it open for anyone in our global community to join! Special thanks to our students and volunteers for your support in helping FIUTS continue our mission.” -Vy Chuong, Student Programs Coordinator
“As a relatively new addition to the FIUTS team, I'm constantly in awe of the tight-knit community that was created before me. I've truly enjoyed leading Virtual Conversation Groups wherein I get to interact with students like myself and learn from all kinds of folks. It has been the highlight of my new position. This year has been tough in many ways but I’m glad I joined the FIUTS team. I'm excited to see the community grow through conversation and interactive events, and hopefully soon, in person activities!”
-Wintana Dawit, Program Assistant & current UW student
"Being new in a city is always hard. When you add on a pandemic, I can only imagine the stress for new international students. FIUTS always hosts great events to welcome students, but this year we had to get creative. For example, the FIUTS Seattle Challenge scavenger hunt had to be adapted to the current COVID-19 reality. Sure, we had to be flexible. In the end, however, it makes me happy to know we created this event for people to meet, explore, and have fun in a safe way. I’m thankful to work for a place like FIUTS that values international and local community.” -Kailey Ulland, Program Assistant & current UW student
Check out the other posts in this series: